LPDC Forms
LPDC Licensure Renewal Process
- Entering or Leaving the AMESC LPDC
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
- Information that May Make the Process Easier
Entering or Leaving the AMESC LPDC
Entering or Leaving the AMESC LPDC
If coursework has been completed while working for another organization, submit the Verification Form for Educators Leaving the LPDC from the previous organization to the Athens-Meigs ESC LPDC when beginning work with Athens-Meigs Educational ESC.
Educators who take employment elsewhere and wish to transfer AMESC-approved coursework to another organization must request the Athens-Meigs ESC LPDC complete the Verification Form for Educators Leaving the LPDC so that the employee can submit the form to their new employer.
Step 1
Step 1
Complete and submit the appropriate Individualized Professional Development Plan (IPDP). Every educator who holds an Ohio provisional/professional certificate(s)/license(s) must have an approved IPDP on file one (1) year prior to license expiration. Exceptions shall be allowed for anyone new the the Athens-Meigs ESC within one (1) year prior to license expiration.
- Employees who have Kiosk can choose to submit all materials through Kiosk or can choose to use the paper IPDP form. (Kiosk can be a bit cumbersome and may take time getting used to.) LPDC members who do not have access to Kiosk will use paper forms.
- Information on how to use Kiosk for LPDC is located in the IPDP Manual. When submitting in KIOSK, do not choose a supervisor. Skip that option. An example of a Kiosk-created IPDP can be found here; notice:
- each is written as a SMART goal,
- each lists the educator, principal, or other licensure standards related to the employee goal, and
- there are three goals - IPDPs should consist of 3 to 5 SMART goals.
Step 2
Step 2
Submit activity proposals using the appropriate form as stated below, to the LPDC. Please group multiple activities into one submission form. For instance, participating in five (5) events related to PBIS would not require five (5 ) separate submission forms; it would only require one (1) submission form with five (5) pieces of evidence attached.
Activities which will be used to satisfy the Ohio Department of Education renewal requirements MUST be approved by the end of the school year in which they were earned. An employee who is unable to meet this requirement may email the Chair or Co-Chair for permission to submit all of the previous year's activities by September of the next year. Educators who submit their IPDP within one (1) year prior to expiration must submit activity proposals as the events occur (ie: The educator cannot wait until the end of the year to submit all of their activity proposals.)
- If the educator is NOT using Kiosk, use the ODE Recommended Submission Form (The Athens-Meigs ESC does not require educators to obtain pre-approval.) For webinars, also include the Webinar Proposal. Email the submission form to teh Chair or Co-Chair, send it through the postal service to the Athens-Meigs ESC LPDC - 21 Birge Drive Chauncey, OH 45719, or fax it to 440-578-7330.
- If the IPDP is in Kiosk, use the Activity Proposal process for Kiosk. (Kiosk can be a bit cumbersome and may take time getting used to.) When submitting in KIOSK, do not choose a supervisor. Skip that option. When submitting in Kiosk, be sure to include the PD Standards that are addressed by the activity proposal; there is not specific location in the Kiosk template that requests the PD Standards. Refer to the IPDP Manual or watch THIS tutorial for additional assistance.
- Although the Athens-Meigs ESC does not require that educators obtain pre-approval, if the submission form is submitted after the activity, the LPDC cannot guarantee that it will be approved. Requests for approval should be submitted in a timely manner. Waiting until the end of the renewal cycle is unacceptable.
- The Athens-Meigs ESC keeps a record of the educator's approved submissions and PD standards on the PD Summary. The educator need NOT complete the PD Summary. Once the educator has approved activity proposals, the PD Summary form will be created and shared with the educator so that both the LPDC and the educator can keep track of the activity requests and the PD Standards.
- Questions about the PD Standards? Learn more HERE and/or read THIS guide. In regard to the LPDC use of the PD Standards, ODE states that, "These committees have the responsibility of reviewing educators’ activities as part of their individual professional development plans and determining if they meet licensure renewal requirements. Committee members will use the standards to help educators create individual plans and to evaluate the plans of individual educators. The expanded view of what can qualify as 'professional development,' as conveyed by the standards, may influence the activities that are recognized as appropriate for licensure renewal." All seven (7) PD Standards must be met at least once within the educator's five (5) year renewal cycle.
NEED IDEAS FOR CEUS? Check out THIS resource. Most of the online training opportunities are free, but many require the creation of a user name and password.
Step 3
Step 3
Educators can renew licenses as early as November 1 of the expiration school year. Hours completed after the issue date (not the effective date) of the license can be used towards the next renewal cycle. All educators now use the Connected Ohio Records for Educators (CORE) system in the OH|ID Account to renew licenses, permits, or certificates online. The online process provides a secure environment for educators to update their demographic data and pay licensure fees using a credit card or electronic check. The Athens-Meigs ESC LPDC IRN is 008340.
- Before applying for renewal, contact the Athens-Meigs LPDC in order to verify that state certification and licensure requirements have been met.
- Renewal requirements include:
- All seven (7) PD Standards must be met at least once within the educator's five (5) year renewal cycle.
- A total of 6 semester hours, 9 quarter hours, 18 CEUS, or 180 contact hours must be approved within the educator's five (5) year renewal cycle.
Information that May Make the Process Easier
- Group multiple activities into one (1) activity proposal. For instance, participating in five (5) events related to PBIS would not require five (5 ) separate submission forms; it would only require one (1) submission form with five (5) pieces of evidence attached.
- Activities which will be used to satisfy the Ohio Department of Education renewal requirements MUST be approved by the end of the school year in which they were earned. An employee who is unable to meet this requirement may email the Chair or Co-Chair for permission to submit all of the previous year's activities by September of the next year. Educators who submit their IPDP within one year prior to expiration must submit activity proposals as the events occur (ie: The educator cannot wait until the end of the year to submit all of their activity proposals.)
- All activity proposals must have evidence that verifies the number of hours requested.
- All activity proposals must specifically state the connection to at least one (1) of the educator's IPDP goals. Evidence of the connection is usually found in the description of the activity proposal.
- All seven (7) PD Standards must be met at least once within the educator's 5-year renewal cycle.
- If the activity proposal contains college coursework, educators will need to submit an official transcript prior to renewing their license. If the official transcript arrives as an email, the email must be sent/forwarded to the LPDC Chair or Co-Chair.
- NEED IDEAS FOR CEUS? Check out THIS resource. Most of the online training opportunities are free, but many require the creation of a user name and password.
- Frustrated? Confused? Just need help? Contact the Chair or Co-Chair for one-on-one assistance.