Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC)
The LPDC is a group sanctioned by the State to review coursework and professional development (PD) activities proposed and completed by educators to determine if state certification and licensure requirements have been met.
Licensure FORMS and Renewal Process
LPDC Responsibilities
- Publish meeting dates, times, and locations
- Establish a procedure for evaluating and documenting educators' professional development activities and notifying educators of the procedure
- Provide all information and forms required for the licensure procedure
- Act on the forms turned into the committee in a timely manner
- Keep all records of all actions taken
- Operate under the Open Meetings Act
- Establish an appeal process for educators who wish to appeal the decision of the LPDC
Educator Responsibilities
- Meet the requirements for renewal of certificate or license
- Write a professional development plan and submit it to the LPDC for approval
- Complete forms requesting approval for course credit, CEUs, and/or contact hours and submit forms to LPDC for approval
- Maintain personal records of all LPDC forms and all professional development activities
- Follow renewal procedures and timelines
LPDC Committee Members
- Chair - Heather Wolfe heather.wolfe@athensmeigs.com
- Co-Chair - Julie Bays
julie.bays@sst16.org - Lisa Arthur
- Kayla Sow
- Beth Maccombs
Meeting Dates
The Athens-Meigs ESC LPDC meets monthly on the 4th Tuesday from 3:00 - 4:00 at the AMESC Chauncey Office, usually Room 119.
All meetings are held at the Athens-Meigs ESC in Chauncey, Ohio.